His plans for us are good as He stirs the events of history to draw mankind into an intimate and eternal relationship with Him.
We believe in one Triune God, eternally existing in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) each co-eternal in being, co-identical in nature, co-equal in power and glory, and having the same attributes and perfections.
Without error and contradiction, they speak the truth and point people to Jesus Christ. The Bible takes precedence over culture, tradition, and experience — both corporate and individual
Jesus entered time and creation as a human being to reveal God and the nature of God’s kingdom to us.
As a result of mankind’s sin, death entered the world and all creation became subject to it, in this life and the next. Despite our sin, God’s love for us and His creation continues to know no bounds.
As part of God’s loving actions, Jesus willingly took the penalty for our rebellion on Himself and died on the cross. His death finally and completely paid for our sin and rebellion and provided a new nature whereby we can live with grateful obedience toward God.
Faith in Jesus and Jesus alone is the only way to be restored to a harmonious relationship with our creator Father. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, He opened God’s kingdom to us so that we may come into His presence as His forgiven and beloved sons and daughters.
The Holy Spirit is the source of life and is our living connection to God the Father, to Jesus, and to other believers in the church.
The Holy Spirit works in the lives of believers to grow them toward being like Jesus. He works through each believer to nurture and mature the church through spiritual gifts.
The local church is God’s chosen vehicle to mature believers spiritually, make disciples, and impact our culture. As God’s people, we are to faithfully serve with a local church and walk with love and integrity before Him and our fellow believers so that the world may see the reality of God in us.