Grace Church is committed to helping people
 become disciples who make disciples. 


Our mentoring program has been created for each person who wants to obey the Lord by growing in their faith, to relationally learn from a more established believer.  This mentor will act as a role model, sounding board, resource person, and spiritual guide to those wanting to grow.

The purpose of mentoring is for one person to pass along the biblical knowledge, attitudes, character qualities, skills, and behavior to another.  Together they travel down the same path; one assisting the other as they strive to learn and accomplish God’s will for their life.

The end goal of being mentored isn’t just about you; it’s about being prepared in the basics of the Christian faith so that you can represent the Lord in your daily life and reproduce spiritual life in another.

If you are interested in more information about our mentoring program, or are seeking a mentor, please submit the form below.
